Use of CO2 laser in preparation for cochlear implant via round window

Use of CO2 laser in preparation for cochlear implant via round window

Right Cochlear Implant - CO2 laser to reduce bleeding in prep for CI. CO2 laser could be substituted by Argon or KTP
Peds/Adult Patients, profound hearing loss, hybrid or electroaccustic stimulation
CO2 laser, omniguide laser, microscope, drill, facial nerve monitoring
Audiogram, audiologic consultation, CT or MRI imaging, medical evaluation
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CSF leak, facial nerve injury, dizziness, wound infection, device failure, meningitis, realistic expectations, underperformance of CI
Research with cochlear corporation, research funding with Otonomy, Auris Medical
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Review Use of CO2 laser in preparation for cochlear implant via round window.

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