Endoscopic removal of TM cholestestoms

A 3 yo girl was referred to the ENT clinic after her PCP noticed an abnormal TM on the left. She has a history of a 2 ear infections prior to presentation. She is asymptomatic, with no pain and no drainage from her TM. Her audiogram was normal. Her physical eventually revealed the presence of […]

Choanal Atresia Repair

Contributor: Tyler McElwee Choanal atresia describes the congenital narrowing of the back of the nasal cavity that causes difficulty breathing in neonate. Choanal atresia is often associated with CHARGE, Treacher Collins and Tessier Syndrome. It is a rare condition that occurs in 1:7000 live births, seen in females twice as often as males, and affects […]

Bilateral Dacryocystoceles Resection

Contributor: Tyler McElwee Congenital dacryocystocele describe the distended lacrimal sac in neonates with or without associated intranasal cyst.  The prevalence is about 0.1% of infants with congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction and a slight prevalence in female infants.  It refers to cystic distention of the lacrimal sac as a consequence of the nasolacrimal drainage system obstruction.  […]

Endoscopic Tracheoesophageal Fistula Repair

Contributors: Noemie Rouillard-Bazinet, MD and Deepak Mehta, MD Endoscopic repair of tracheoesophageal fistula using electrocautery and fibrin glue. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17797/uq9ifhudgd Editor Recruited By: Sanjay Parikh, MD, FACS

Posterior Cricoid Split and Costal Cartilage Grafting for Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis

Contributors: Noemie Rouillard-Bazinet and Julina Ongkasuwan Bilateral vocal fold paralysis causes airway obstruction and, in some patients, tracheostomy dependence. Posterior cricoid split with costal cartilage grafting can open the posterior glottis and improving the airway. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17797/hyp0b3mzd5 Editor Recruited By: Michael M. Johns III, MD

Management of subglottic stenosis with endoscopic stent placement

History of airway stenosis, s/p laryngotracheal reconstruction. Developed restenosis, and balloon dilated three times. In this video we describe our technique for airway stent insertion and its securing to the neck skin. Balloon dilation of the airway expanded the airway to its appropriate size. After sizing, an 8mm modified Mehta laryngeal stent with rings (Hood […]

Treatment of Chronic Atelectatic Middle Ear with Endoscopic Placement of Cartilage Shield T-tube

Chronic tympanic membrane (TM) atelectasis is a difficult condition with many management challenges and currently has no acceptable gold standard treatment. TM atelectasis is the loss of the normal elasticity of the TM as a result of chronic negative pressure in the middle ear and can be associated with retraction pockets. The under-ventilation of the […]

Closure of H-type tracheoesophageal fistula

We present the case of a 20 months old boy with developmental delay and chromosomal abnormality, who presented with a history of chronic aspiration. He was found to have a laryngeal cleft, which was injected with Prolaryn, then formally repaired, twice. Despite an initial a negative swallow study, the patient had persistent aspiration. A repeat […]

Base of Tongue Reduction: Endoscopic Approach vs. Transoral Robotic Surgical Approach

The video demonstrates successful endoscopic coblation of lingual tonsils and residual palatine tonsils as well as successful TORS reduction of obstructive base of tongue tissue.

Successful Placement of Transcutaneous Bone Anchored Hearing Aid in a Pediatric Patient

The Osia System is a transcutaneous bone anchored hearing aid which can be used for the correction of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. This video depicts the implantation of the Osia in a pediatric patient with a history of right-sided microtia.

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