Transanal full thickness rectal mobilization with an ischiorectal fat pad to repair an H-Type rectovaginal fistula

Transanal full thickness rectal mobilization with an ischiorectal fat pad to repair an H-Type rectovaginal fistula. Contributors: Alejandra Vilanova, Richard Wood, Victoria Lane, and Marc Levitt

Anorectal Malformation, Rectoperineal Fistula with Vaginal Agenesis

From the APSA 2016 Annual Meeting proceedings OPERATIVE VIDEO: ANORECTAL MALFORMATION. RECTOPERINEAL FISTULA WITH VAGINAL AGENESIS Victoria A. Lane, MBChB, Richard J. Wood, MD, Carlos Reck, MD, Geri Hewitt, MD, Marc A. Levitt, MD. Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA. Purpose: We present the operative video of a female infant with a rectoperineal fistula with […]

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